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Cool Remanufactured Part for Vixen 2500


Jedi Hopeful
Country flag
Just got this newly manufactured header tank.

Aluminum, powder coated.

It has a deep, euro neck. I got a 10 psi cap for a 1” neck.


Nice! That could be considered art, Rocky!
When I was putting everything together after my carb update, I had a tiny little drip from the bottom of the tank.

I finally pulled the tank back off, and found a tiny pinhole.

Upon further investigation, it turned out the mild steel tank was like Swiss cheese. Only the paint was holding the coolant in, the tank sure wasn’t!

Upon further investigation, it turned out the mild steel tank was like Swiss cheese. Only the paint was holding the coolant in, the tank sure wasn’t!

Most of the E-Type Jags we saw through the shop were the same way. Think you can just braze the hole and end up chasing holes all over the thing. Swiss cheese indeed.
That’s what happened to me…

I thought…. It’s just a pin hole, I’ll just TIG it up…. And ZZZZZZT! I burned a much bigger hole in it, because the remaining material was paper thin!

After the second one (repeating a task expecting different results... HA!) we started keeping a replacement tank on the shelf. With Jag production being what it was, there were aftermarket ones readily available. Surprised (and pleased) you were able to replace the TVR one. 👍
Unfortunately, the majority of the 1” necks are low pressure. 10 PSI was the strongest I could find.

I’ll follow up with a report!

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