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because Norton. Yee Haw.

1974 850 Commando - one of the best looking bikes ever made.
For me,it has to be a Black one.I remember that Tony had a Yellow one.
I didn't take my own advice to buy one when they were a bargain.
I would have liked the video better if he had fired up the Norton instead of that crotch rocket.
I've always like the Nortons and someday I might break down and buy one of them. Of course, I'll need to go to a college that teaches courses about old fashioned electrical systems to get around the Lucas curse that follows the Nortons but in these modern times, it can be done.

The Norton Commando was truly a awesome machine, even today among many of today's 180 mph crotch rockets.

Many Photos that can be useful for someone - the Norton was acquired in Kansas and imported in Italy- was in working condition
and apparently, with 6500 Miles on the speedometer (the BOLTS conditions confirmed to me this opinion) the only problem was the carbs I find one 28 and one 31 carbs on it BUT lucky find TWO NEW AMAL 32 carbs
my use was very sporadic (due to my age) so I preferred that She was the daily
Norton of a enthusiast bicker > NORTON Commando 850cc -1974-- RESTORATION <
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