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Triumph Emergency Kit


Senior Member
As we in the Northeast finally enter the driving season after the long, snowy winter, what is the suggested components of what might be considered an emergency preparedness kit that should be carried in our Triumphs? Would it vary by model? For instance would a TR3 owner's kit have different items that say a TR6 owner's kit?
cell phone, roadside assistance card ... and maybe a woman's stocking and a spare set of points.

Some of you experienced guys will know what the stocking is for.


Been there, tried that and doesn't work at least on a TR4A. :frown:

Nothing like asking your girlfriend (now wife) to remove her pantyhose on the side of the Interstate. :smile:

Basic wrenches, pliers, wire cutters and screwdrivers. Plug socket, some electrical wire and tape, X-Treme Quick Fix Tape, a length of fuel hose, multimeter, spare coil, fuses, plugs, points, condenser and some locking wire. If I couldn't fix it by the side of the road within about an hour, then I will be phoning Hagerty roadside assistance for flat-bedding home ( I am on the 125 mile plan, which also covers my daily drivers).
booley said:
NutmegCT said:
Some of you experienced guys will know what the stocking is for.

to hide your identity when you're broke down?

And save the fishnets for that <span style="font-style: italic"> special </span> occasion. :wink:
Eastwood carries an amalgamating wrap that works for electrical issues. It bonds to itself and cures in 30 minutes. It also works as a temporary fix to heater and radiator hose leaks. Seven wraps around the hose when cured will hold up to 100 psi. Great stuff.
Doesn't work on fuel lines.
> Good idea to have a fire extinguisher readily available somewhere in the cockpit.

> Basic first aid kit may also come in handy. I'm also trained in CPR and carry a face barrier and breathing tube in all my cars. You never know . . .

> I carry a DC-powered air pump tire inflator, plugs into the cig lighter and will inflate a tire nicely. Very small, easy to store.

> Don't leave without your cell phone and credit card.

> I purchased an el cheapo hard plastic tool kit with various tools in it, very handy and has what you'll need for many roadside repairs.

> Couple quarts of engine oil.

I don't carry spare parts, at least not for my Midget. I have with other LBCs. Depends on how well-restored (e.g., how much money I've thrown at it) the car is.

NutmegCT said:
cell phone, roadside assistance card ... and maybe a woman's stocking and a spare set of points.

Some of you experienced guys will know what the stocking is for.


Stockings sure make a nice emergency fan belt :smile:

I carry tools, a spare belt, spare bulbs, all fluids, spare tire, jack, a towel, a bottle of drinking water, sun glasses, hat, flashlight, cell phone, wallet, roadside assistance card, and a fire extinguisher. Pretty standard stuff for any old car.
I carry 2 sets of stuff (parts & tools) one for w/i the 200-mile tow range that AAA provides and more when beyond that range. The lists would be long & longer but then my preference is to fix it & drive some more whenever possible.

An inexpensive electric fuel pump is handy for any TR with the stock mechanical pump. It only takes a minute to bypass the mech pump and then you can drive all day with that electric and get at the mech at your leisure.

A length of nylon rope is possibly better than the stocking trick as the knot is smaller. I have used it to fashion a replacement belt when I needed to bypass the dynamo -- drove 400 miles like that.

That super stick-to-itself tape is now available at Harbor Freight (at HF prices).
Wow, I am truly impressed with the great response to my question regarding a Triumph Emergency Kit. As a naive Triumph owner, I have to ask...a ladies stocking?
For drag racing.... sheeeesh :jester:
The stocking (I think pantyhose would be of a more suitable length and perhaps more common) can be used as an emergency 'fan' belt. It has quite a bit of stretch so it will be tight enough (once tied onto position) to move the water pump and generator. The nylon rope I mention (thin, about 1/4" diameter) has similar characteristics and the advantage that I don't have to explain to my wife how a pair of pantyhose happen to be in the boot.
pjsmetana said:
I carry tools, a spare belt, spare bulbs, all fluids, spare tire, jack, a towel, a bottle of drinking water, sun glasses, hat, flashlight, cell phone, wallet, roadside assistance card, and a fire extinguisher. Pretty standard stuff for any old car.

And the one time I didnt... $51 tow bill last night... HAHA! The worst part is I posted this yesterday!
Wasn't there a post not long ago,about what
to have in your tool kit?

- Doug
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