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TR4/4A Stromberg..."coupler" that links vacuum outlet to diff vacuum line is N/A?


Obi Wan
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Anyone have any ideas on fabricating this small piece that is bigger at one end than the other. Moss catalogue Ignition/Distributor part # 27. Any McGuyvers out there?
Re: Stromberg..."coupler" that links vacuum outlet to diff vacuum line is N/A?

Is just a bit of flexible tubing? Or is that just how some PO fixed mine?
Re: Stromberg..."coupler" that links vacuum outlet to diff vacuum line is N/A?

Going by memory here.
I seem to remember using as Tr6 straight vacuum connector (Moss #379-370) and opening up one end with a dill bit to accommodate the fitting at the carb.

Re: Stromberg..."coupler" that links vacuum outlet to diff vacuum line is N/A?

That's probably a better idea; but you could also check at FLAPS and see if they carry something like this

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