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JP - you are a lucky man. I've noticed the problem for the last 20 years - more "screen time", less physical work. Also noticed that instead of teens pulling a lawn mower around, you see adults with massive pickups pulling a trailer of expensive lawn care equipment. Teens today don't seem to lack money or toys. Adults want $150 to mow your lawn. "Beer money" they say.

And many young folks these days actually "date" via apps, without even meeting. It's usually a "heavy" camera to camera event; you do your thing and move on to the next message like "Hi, I saw your profile and want to hook up". Living via screens instead of face to face - Man is that ever sad.
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JP - you are a lucky man.
Yes I am šŸ˜
And young folks these days actually "date" via apps, without even meeting. It's usually a "heavy" camera to camera event; you do your thing and move on to the next message like "Hi, I saw your profile and want to hook up". Living via screens instead of face to face - Man is that ever sad.
Bit of a segue from snow removal to be sure, but, it isn't as sad as all that. Yes there are hookup apps - and there are/were meatmarket bars - some things never change. That said I know a number of people who have met online and who are happily married. I can say for certain that if I were single and looking right now I would be using the internet. Where else do you meet people these days? I'm not interested in bars. Not a lot of young people in church these days. (ask me how I know) I met Mrs JP while in school but if you graduate single....

Yes it is fraught but it was fraught before.

It is also worth noting that the technology that makes online dating possible also makes online forums possible. I couldn't have restored my car wothout BCF and through it have made good friends across at least two countries - (and a few other countries of people I wouldn't hesitate to call). Yes in person car clubs are great, but so is this virtual car club.

I guess the greater point is that everything has a benefit and a cost. We have seen the damage the interweb and social media can do - but we also know the tremendous benefit it brings. There are aspects of this Brave New World (see what I did there) that make me want to pull my hair out but I couldn't be without it any longer - and I suspect most of us couldn't either.

Back under my rock.... (well snowdrift actually :D )
And to be honest, I know of at least one group of young folks who've volunteered here (mid-state) to travel down to Placida to help in the five tornado clean-up and recovery effort. Maybe they're an exception but they're there. It gives one a glimmer of encouragement.
I've decided that we're just a bunch of curmudgeons. I deal with teens daily and from what I see it's the same mixed bag as ever. I watch these kids interact with each other and there are plenty of face to face encounters, if you catch my drift. What I usually see in the phones is drama, it's the main way gossip is transmitted now.

JP, I really liked the Huxley reference.
I really miss the days when two boys had a disagreement,
they met up and had a fist fight,and that was usually the end of it.
I've decided that we're just a bunch of curmudgeons.

Wow, that is what they look like.
Never to be seen again, except when money is needed.
Cannot relate, I left home at 19 and never looked back.