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Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant question


Senior Member
Going to replace my valve cover with a chromed version of the stock. Can anyone suggest a gasket sealer that can be easily acquired at a local parts store that will suffice?

I know I can order some super high-speed stuff from the Himalayas or whatever, but can anyone suggest a brand on the shelf at Autozone that will work just fine?


RTVs will do the job, but other products tend to be preferred. My preference is The Right Stuff from Permatex.
It is available in a Cheese Wiz can. Where RTV is silicone based, The Right Stuff is rubber and the engine can be run immediately after application.
The key to any of these product is not to over-apply. Loose pieces can plug up passage ways and damage the engine.
Carter I use ultra blue RTV between the cover and the gasket,nothing on the head. Makes it easy to remove cover to check the valves.
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

I use gaska-cinch (sp?) on all gaskets except the head gasket and the exhaust manifold gasket.
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

Ultra Blue (Hylomar) should hopefully be back on the shelves soon, but wasn't at my FLAPS when I checked last week.

My personal recipe is Permatex #3 between gasket and cover (permanently gluing the gasket to the cover) and then Hylomar between gasket and head. Leak-free and allows the gasket to be reused many times. After setting the valves, just gently wipe the gasket surface down with solvent, apply a fresh layer of Hylomar and put it back on.
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

Randall, I checked the 2 major parts houses and one never heard of it and the the second said they just pulled it off the shelf after a reorganization. What's the equivalent?
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

It's possible I'm being overly optimistic. At one time, Permatex was selling "Hylomar HPF" here in the US, which was similar to the original Hylomar formula developed by Rolls Royce, but used a more environmentally-friendly solvent. They dropped that product a few years ago, not sure why.

Then just a few months ago, while checking for something else, I found this entry on their website. I'm just assuming that the auto parts stores will start carrying it again, once they realize it's available. Perhaps you should print the page out and show it to them ?

In the meantime, it remains available from Moss as P/N 221-556. Kind of expensive at $9/tube, but worth it IMO. It also stays useable for a very long time after opening the tube (unlike the RTV stuff) and a little goes a long way.

BTW, I agree entirely about Justin's silicone rocker cover gaskets, I love mine on the TR3A. But, at least the TR2-4 version does not work with aftermarket covers (and he doesn't offer them for the Stag, Spitfire, TR7, TR8, etc.).
Thanks for the reply....how long do you let the gasket adhere to the cover after application of the RTV? Does in need a few hours to set before install?
I like Hylomar on both sides of the gasket, i.e. the gasket is not attached to the cover.

I find that the cork (some brands are thicker than others) really take a 'set' on the top side from the cover and if I am careful to refit the old gasket the exact same way it was before I can (and do) reuse the gasket for many years.

In fact I have several unused gaskets on the shelf from top end gasket kits. For me it isn't a matter of thrift so much as knowing that the old gasket with Hylomar will seal properly w/o having to re-tighten over time.
I've always used the cork gasket on the TRactor motors, and never experienced too much oil oozing. I glued the gasket to the valve cover, and then smeared some heavy grease onto the underside surface of the gasket where it mates to the head. The valve cover would always come off easily for valve adjustments and could be reused many times over. Maybe I'll spring for one of those new-fangled sillycorn gaskets this time around. 'secially since <span style="font-weight: bold">TR3Driver</span> likes them. :yesnod:
The guy who Brosky recommends never returned my emails and I sent 3-4 over a couple months. There is a silicone gasket on ebay now if you do a quick search.
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

bricktop said:
Thanks for the reply....how long do you let the gasket adhere to the cover after application of the RTV? Does in need a few hours to set before install?

I usually install it with a slight "load" on the hold-downs and let it cure for an hour or so before tightening down completely. Methods may vary, but if you allow the RTV to cure for an hour there's less chance the gasket will "squirm" out of position.
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:] The guy who Brosky recommends never returned my emails and I sent 3-4 over a couple months. There is a silicone gasket on ebay now if you do a quick search.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happend to me. I bought one of the gaskets from ebay and it works fine. Took me two tries to get it right (it sliped the first time).
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

I agree with Paul and Randall about Justin's silicon gasket. I put one on last July and am glad I did. Like Art, I am an old school guy and used to use the same method of greasing the underside of the gasket. Justin's gasket works like that except it does not use any sealant underneath and can be used over and over, probably for many years. And it seals great!
Re: Upgrading valve cover - gasket sealant questio

Yes, I can see how that happens. He has another full time job and the gaskets come in second place versus his real job. But that is no excuse not to reply back within a reasonable amount of time. I did take me two emails to get a reply, but then he shipped right away.

I'll just be happy to be able to use it soon.
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