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thoughts on exhaust


Jedi Warrior
Looking to get the exhaust done on the midget and found this lying around my dad's place. Anyone know anything about this? Looks like a possible candidate other than an HD muffler. Think I'll need a resonator with this? It says "Aintree Special" on the label.


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Glad to hear from you!
To me that looks like a Monza exhaust which was popular in the '70's
Should fit/work fine!
Aintree is a classic old horse track in Mersey,England for steeplechase sporting events. Later it hosted some of the British Formula 1 races for a few years.My guess is it is a brit product,with a very historic name on it. I would certainly shake it thoroughly and see if you can hear rust particles sloshing around on the inside or falling out the twin exit pipes. Cool find indeed!
Ed, If I can make a Harley Muffler with baffles punched out work on Bugsy this certainly out to work for you. Muffler Clamps and be sure to tack weld the muffler on or it may quickly fall off of the car.
This was the Chinses made version of the Monza. The original Chinses muffler only had one steel tip. Monza came out with the dual chrome tip to thumb their noses at the Chinese. Later the next week, the Chinese came out with this model.

It's pronounced as three seperate words, "aint ree special", :jester:
I think it will sound nice and throaty, hope you like it.
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