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Speaking of emergencies


Staff member
Plane makes emergency landing in Albuquerque

Meanwhile, my son had an interesting experience a couple days ago AFTER a flight from Cincinnati to Atlanta. He was piloting a 737 and landed in Atlanta in the wee hours. They were due to make a return trip, but as he was about to do his walk around, the mechanic approached him and said "come look at this". Apparently a something (I have since learned was a rear turbine blade) in the engine broke off and the engine now has to be replaced. He is certain it happened in flight because he'd done a thorough walk around before departure (and looked closely at the engines), but they had no indication of a problem until the mechanic spotted it on the ground in Atlanta. He was just grateful he didn't have a catastrophic failure like that recent Southwest plane.

Here's a picture he sent. The missing blade is at about the 8 O'clock position.

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"The missing blade is at about the 8 O'clock position."

Make that, "the missing blade *was* at the 8 o'clock position ..." :wink:

Yikes - that was a good mechanic to catch something like that. I hope the next step was to determine where that blade went!

Anyway, glad all ended well.

It likely got spit out the back end of the engine and Fred Schmerts, somewhere in Southern Ohio, is wondering what the heck broke his car's windshield! Actually son said the engine is being R&R'd so they will do a complete and thorough inspection / repair (I hope).
That could've ended VERY differently. Glad it didn't!
No kidding. Never a good thing when bits of engine start departing the plane!

Reminds me of one of my first airplane rides - I think an American Airlines DC4 back in the 1950s. Four piston radial engines (P&W Twin Wasp) doing their job. Flight got a bit bumpy while we were flying through cloud cover (around 6000 AGL).

Stewardess slowly walked through the cabin, saying "Be sure your seatbelts are fastened. One of the engines is missing".
Reminds me of one of my first airplane rides - I think an American Airlines DC4 back in the 1950s. Four piston radial engines (P&W Twin Wasp) doing their job. Flight got a bit bumpy while we were flying through cloud cover (around 6000 AGL).

Stewardess slowly walked through the cabin, saying "Be sure your seatbelts are fastened. One of the engines is missing".

Yikes - did she mean physically missing or misfiring?