Luke Skywalker
I bought all the basic innards to replace and realized that there was only 39k on this tranny so it probably wasn't going to need all that. So I decided to just open it up take a look inside and hopefully top off the gear lube then run it on my adapter to see if the OD works. Well after opening it it was kinda black in side.
First thoughts was it got hot and cooked the lube but this car sat outside for 35+ years (parts car) so it probably got some moisture in it and algae set in. The lube was a little gritty at first and when you rolled it in your fingers it smoothed out. So I took a can of brake cleaner and started spraying and turning the shafts. Then I opened the drain plug and started spraying again while turning the shaft and letting everything go out the bottom hole. Then used my air gun to blow out as much as possible and again rinsed it with brake cleaner.
Then opened the brass plug on the overdrive and let whatever drain out. Although it was dark too really clean and nothing in the screens. There was however a little goo on the bottom kinda like what you would see on the bottom of a automatic transmission when you do a service. It was as high as the 3 rubber washers on the bottom.
So here is my question. I need to test it but ether before or during can I or should I use a additive or a detergent lube to help clean out this unit? I'm thinking like Marvel Mystery Oil or a high detergent motor oil. Then replace it with the permanent stuff like Red Line.
The smear on the paper is from the overdrive brass cap.
First thoughts was it got hot and cooked the lube but this car sat outside for 35+ years (parts car) so it probably got some moisture in it and algae set in. The lube was a little gritty at first and when you rolled it in your fingers it smoothed out. So I took a can of brake cleaner and started spraying and turning the shafts. Then I opened the drain plug and started spraying again while turning the shaft and letting everything go out the bottom hole. Then used my air gun to blow out as much as possible and again rinsed it with brake cleaner.
Then opened the brass plug on the overdrive and let whatever drain out. Although it was dark too really clean and nothing in the screens. There was however a little goo on the bottom kinda like what you would see on the bottom of a automatic transmission when you do a service. It was as high as the 3 rubber washers on the bottom.
So here is my question. I need to test it but ether before or during can I or should I use a additive or a detergent lube to help clean out this unit? I'm thinking like Marvel Mystery Oil or a high detergent motor oil. Then replace it with the permanent stuff like Red Line.
The smear on the paper is from the overdrive brass cap.