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OK, help me remember


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I'm trying to think of all the things that I need to do after a few hundred miles on the clock. I know oil and filter and retorque the head and reset the valve lash. Is there anything else that I am forgetting? Its been 10 years since on the road. Hmmn probably 5 years since I did all the suspension, maybe a shot of grease in each A arm fulcrum pin. Any other suggestions?
Check/Re-tighten all suspension bolts,shock mounts, and esp u-bolts on the rear axle.
Check it out just like a new car. In fact it is.
Then, then, then. Run it like you stole it. If nothing falls off you good to go.
Mickey Richaud said:
Off-topic a bit:

OK, Kim - you ARE coming to Townsend on May 9-10, aren't you?


I am not sure yet. I still have some things to do to the midget and then I have to get it all registered and everything and I never know how many hours I might have to work every week. I will just have to wait until it get closer and see how it goes. I got to do some shake down runs, I could yet have a major problem with something, but so far I am good. It might be too late for me to register or whatever but I will go to see the show even if the midget doesn't make it if I can swing it. Hope to meet you there and some others. I will keep everyone up to date.
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