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TR6 Octane boost for your TR6

I find this interesting too and I will see what wisdom comes to light here before I dump it in.

I think I will pick up a gallon before acetone goes to $100/gal. If after discussion here I decide not to use it in the tank, I cna glue plastic together or use it with some paint.
Well, I didn't see where it was going to boost my octane but it claimed to boost gas mileage.

Of course, I have to wonder why I would use acetone when there was a link right there for plans to convert my car to run on 100% water! Think of the savings!

Too bad I already ordered my Fazer chip. It's an electronic chip that you stick to your gas tank with foam tape. It "turns up the good characteristics of gas" so I get better mileage.

Gosh, in the old days we had to tape cow magnets to the gas line to get better mileage. Ain't technology grand.

PT Barnum would be proud.

I want the oil companies to release the patent on the perpetual motion machine. /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif
"Track your automobile statistics with ease. Unit plugs into the diagnostic connector found under-dash on 1996 and newer cars and light trucks."

Quote from the article: Guess this electro-record-ology
is out for our TR's. Got to use the old fasioned
pencil, paper and....uh...a calculator?
Say, Shannon, have you tried the Tornado?
Has it worked for you?

I think I asked a mechanic about this product one
time and he seemed to think it was somebody
selling snake oil, if you know what I mean.

What's your experience.....or were you being
No, we need the "Gas Saver Pills" of the 70's that coated your cylinder walls with a special lubricant for better fuel economy.
2wrench said:
Say, Shannon, have you tried the Tornado?
Has it worked for you?

I think I asked a mechanic about this product one
time and he seemed to think it was somebody
selling snake oil, if you know what I mean.

What's your experience.....or were you being

LOL.. Snake oil, like all of them.

Interesting story.. my wife's ex husband has been in the auto industry in one form or another all his life; he even served on the board at SEMA. My wife told me that he routinely called all the additive stuff snake oil. The irony of it all that he's the president of one of the biggest "snake oil" companies out there now. I suppose everyone has his price....
BryanC said:
Gosh, in the old days we had to tape cow magnets to the gas line to get better mileage. Ain't technology grand.

PT Barnum would be proud.



"Mechanic in a bottle" products have accounted for DOZENS of undeserved fortunes. Whaddashame.
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