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Mozilla Firefox almost worthless


Jedi Knight
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Firefox will not let me access most of the sites I use. I get a connection is not secure message. None of the fixes seem to work. What other browser is worth downloading.
Mark - did your Firefox problem just start? Can't you just "lower" the security level?

Browsers I use: Opera, Chrome, Edge.

Windows 10
Tom M.
My browser of choice since Mozilla and Adobe had their falling out is Chrome, with it in the "incognito" mode. And whether it means anything or not, I "clear browsing data" before closing the browser.
What AV? BIG deal. If the AV scans https, locks you out sometimes. Unchecked that box.
To check your connection settings in Firefox:

  • Click the menu button and choose Options.Preferences.
  • Select the Advanced panel.
  • Select the Network tab.
  • In the Connection section, click Settings….
  • Change your proxy settings: ...
  • Close the Connection Settings window.
  • Close the about:preferences page.
I use Chrome and the up coming Comoto Dragon. Comoto Dragon has a lot of security features and custom settings also. You have to train it to except or reject any sites and asks for your approval before opening. PJ
and yes, almost worthless. In fact, it sux.

Back when it started, it was "edgy", in-the-face of IE and other come-uppers.
Did their own thing, and those of us not so much main-stream loved it.

Not any more.

Now for add-ons they have to be submitted and approved by Mozilla.
Tabs are Chrome...have to add on to get square tabs back.
Always trying to update itself (and those of us that czech out updates first don't want that).
I have twelve extensions and two plug-ins currently.

Then there is Thundertird.....errr...Thunderbird. What a crock.

On my desktop I have the .exe for FF 12.0....as far as I am concerned, "last known good".
I can load it back in when FF gets wonky.

And they don't get "in-your-face", MicroSlime, and say "we're going to support old OS in defiance of MS desires for world domination"....oh, no. Roll over and play dead.
I use Chrome and the up coming Comoto Dragon. Comoto Dragon has a lot of security features and custom settings also. You have to train it to except or reject any sites and asks for your approval before opening. PJ

Personally...opinion and all that.....I would NEVER give google any extra help spying on me than absolutely necessary...and using their browser is not one of the things I would do.
It started after the last upgrade a few days ago. I can get to a few places like BCF but not the VTR. I can't get to my bank, Amazon and most others. I tried the fix given plus a few more, nothing seems to work. When if comes to computers, it seems the promise is there just not the execution. Thanks for the alternative browser suggestions, I will check them out, I too am concerned about spying. It seems to me the current crop of tech companies and their billionaire owners are worse then the famed "robber barons" of the 19th and early 20th century.
Strange; I mostly use Firefox. Currently running 59.0.2 on this machine.

Generally when I get the security warning, it's because I'm using HTTPS (the trailing S forces a secure connection) and the request actually did get hijacked (many public WiFi connections do this). Bit of an annoyance, but I certainly do want to get a warning when I'm not seeing the site I expected.
Except that isn't specifically his problem.

"Firefox will not let me access most of the sites I use. I get a connection is not secure message."

MOST. Deeper problem than one hijacked website (and I have other software to alert me to that).

"It started after the last upgrade a few days ago. I can get to a few places like BCF but not the VTR. I can't get to my bank, Amazon and most others."

More than one hijacked website. And BCF is www not https. VTR IS https, I just czeched.

Plus, I'm a freaking dinosaur. NO ON-LINE BANKING, EVER!
If I get a warning, I know it isn't for me, it's a phishing scam.

ALL my banks have notes in my files to prevent any attempt at on-line banking of any sort.
We have ONE ATM card at ONE bank.

The rest are handed back with a comment to not do that again.
59 is older. 60 was released a month ago, 60.0.2 is current.

Back date to 59.0 and see what happens.
I will try to back date it. Firefox can't access its own website. I have been using Edge for the last few days, so will try that. I don't know anything about www, http or https and I really should not have to, these things should work. I don't understand the refrigeration process, all I care is the beer is cold. In my world it is the same thing. Until this episode with Firefox, I had no complaints about it, didn't know enough to be annoyed. But I do know I am not going to spend a lot of my valuable summer sitting in front of this screen obsessing about it. I have a TR4 with a fresh engine to break in.
I will try to back date it. Firefox can't access its own website. I have been using Edge for the last few days, so will try that. I don't know anything about www, http or https and I really should not have to, these things should work. I don't understand the refrigeration process, all I care is the beer is cold. In my world it is the same thing. Until this episode with Firefox, I had no complaints about it, didn't know enough to be annoyed. But I do know I am not going to spend a lot of my valuable summer sitting in front of this screen obsessing about it. I have a TR4 with a fresh engine to break in.

The more I look, the more it seems the actual blocking is the anti-virus, caused by a change in the way the new, improved firefox accesses https.

So, what anti-virus are you using?
No computer wiz here, but I'm chiming in because I use Firefox 60.0.2 on my tablet and my desktop. I'm not having any problem reaching sites...including VTR.
so....if the Soviet Spyware Kaspersky has a function to scan https...turn that off. Might be an issue of interface compatibility. Using 60 with, oh, Defender is a whole lot different than 60 with Kaspersky or some other aftermarket AV.
Hey, you are the man! Thank you very much. I did the toggle thingy and it worked. Don't understand it but the beer is cold. Again, thank you very much.