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LBC's at Barber Motorsports Park


Jedi Trainee
Country flag
Last weekend, several British cars showed up for the SCCA race at Barber. It was a fun day with great racing. I had a great view from my flag station at turn 16. Sorry, no on-track pictures, I was busy.

Mike Munson, Bowling Green KY Saturday 4th overall 1st in class, Sunday 8th overal 2nd in class
John Hewell, Walhalla SC Saturday 25th overall 2nd in class Sunday 22nd overall 2nd in class
Thomas Board Birmingham AL Saturday 32nd overall 3rd in class Sunday 26th overall 3rd in class
Nice to see them on the track, the SCCA cars are allowed more body mods they our "vintage" cars. Next weekend is our SOVREN Columbia River Classic vintage races in addition with the All-British-Field-Meeting at (PIR) Portland International Raceway. Weather is looking to cooperate which makes for a great event.


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