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Computer expert Needed!


Great Pumpkin
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A little involved so I'll explain. A couple of days ago I installed a 2 TB SSD in my Windows computer. No big deal as I've replaced hard drives many times in the past. When I turned the computer on I got a half-size blue screen stating no HD recognized. Ok, I went through the normal setup routine by re-setting the BIOS and doing a cold boot, the same thing happened, a blue screen stating a hard drive needs to be installed! Took the new drive back out and put the smaller programed HD back in to check and now get the same message, no hard drive installed! After checking with someone, he told me that there is a code that must be installed using the command prompt but doesn't know what the command is, crazy huh? How about it, any takers? :rolleyes2: PJ
If you boot to setup mode (BIOS or UEFI) does the system see either drive?
If you boot to setup mode (BIOS or UEFI) does the system see either drive?
No it doesn't Bob. I've never had this situation happen before and go back far enough that my first computer ran on 5" floppies. :thumbsup2:
Just checking here - so you replaced your boot drive with an SSD that wasn't formatted to be recognized by the OS?

If you can't boot the new drive, and the old drive isn't in the system, how can a Command prompt even run?

Boot from an external drive, then run the install program that came with the new SSD drive.
Removed the new disc, installed another Windows 10 hard drive out of another computer, and had the same results. Reporting the same as before, an internal file is missing! I ran a bootable Windows restore disc and it won't recognize it either. Might have to send this thing out to a repair station. :unsure:
If windows was installed originaly with two hard drives fitted in the machine,
the boot sector will have been put on one drive and the reast on the other, Dont ask me why windows does this, its one of them.
only ever install windows on a pc with one drive, then fit storage drives after the install

if you fit the drive that you took out and and change boot priority to that drive it should boot ok.

I have just had this with a pc that i have just built, had to remove the storage drive and reinstall windows on the main drive.
the other downside is i could not then fit the storage drive back into that pc, because it still had the boot sector on it.
I had to fit it in a different pc to re format the thing to get rid of the boot sector.
I have 3 HP laptops, one I'm on now and two others. I took the 2 TB drive out of the computer that wouldn't boot and re-installed the original small drive. The original drive, which worked perfectly before, now doesn't work anymore either! Seems like the problem is deeper than the hard drive as I'm getting a message that a system driver is missing. The new 2 TB drive is now in another computer and works perfectly. I found out during this process that most computers built after 2020 do not have Legacy in them anymore, this is a 2021 computer. It's going to a shop. Thanks for trying to help! PJ
Oh Tom, sorry I forgot, the new drive is a WDSN580! :rolleyes2:
gpt or mbr,, this is the problem, you need to set the disc up first. try this

1. At the installation screen where you select the disk to install, press Shitf + F10 to open the command prompt;
2. Type the commands below and press Enter:

diskpart [Enter]
list disk [Enter]
select disk 0 [Enter] ("0" must be the SSD disk number)
clean [Enter]
create partition primary [Enter]
exit [Enter]

this worked for me when i set up my new PC with a brand new ssd
Well, I got a little more education on HP Laptop/Notebook computers! If it was built around the end of 20/20, as previously stated, HP dropped Legacy support in the Bios. What additional info I just found out was, that they also changed the connection of the hard drives to the motherboard! Even though the hard drives look "almost" identical, their not. The later drives have one slot on the connecting end whereas the previous HDs have two. The thing is, they both fit in the same slot! The computer will not recognize the earlier drive. I didn't think I was that stupid after working on these things for so many years, but realizing that I must be going blind solves the problem! :cool: :devilgrin:

One on the left fits models before 20/20 and is what I installed, one on the right is what I had to change to for the later additional HP laptop.
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Good grief. How would anyone ever know about that change! The two slots would always fit in a board built for one slot. Didn't the new board come with any instructions or info on the change?
Good grief. How would anyone ever know about that change!
Yikes! None standard parts from year to year. Changing a small detail so you will be forced to buy a new one. The Nerve! I have never heard of such a thing, thank goodness this has not drifted over to the auto industry. :ROFLMAO: :bananawave: :driving:

BTW - for a genuine car connection, in the same way that BMW and other companies want to rent you things like heated seats, HP wants their printers to be a subscription service and are bricking printers that use none HP print cartridges. bastages.

gak - when will HP printers start to require HP paper?

If hardware/firmware start following today's "streaming media" models of watching any movie you want! (but they're on dozens of different subscription services)

the mind boggles ...
Good grief. How would anyone ever know about that change! The two slots would always fit in a board built for one slot. Didn't the new board come with any instructions or info on the change?
No Tom, they come in a plastic case and a price tag! :thumbsup2:To my knowledge HP never initially put that info out there, at least in the beginning. They are getting cheaper though. One I bought had instructions to make sure I was grounded before handling it!, I'll buy that. :rolleyes2:
Yikes! None standard parts from year to year. Changing a small detail so you will be forced to buy a new one. The Nerve! I have never heard of such a thing, thank goodness this has not drifted over to the auto industry. :ROFLMAO: :bananawave: :driving:

BTW - for a genuine car connection, in the same way that BMW and other companies want to rent you things like heated seats, HP wants their printers to be a subscription service and are bricking printers that use none HP print cartridges. bastages.

I have a HP printer and I recently dropped their ink subscription. I was waned at the time to disable auto updates because they will try to prevent non-HP ink. since then, I often get reminders that a security update is needed to protect me from something. I assume that something is non-HP ink.
Great that you found your issue,

You can fit a sata drive into an nvme slot and it will work if the motherboard was made compatible. obviously HP are not.
gak - when will HP printers start to require HP paper?

If hardware/firmware start following today's "streaming media" models of watching any movie you want! (but they're on dozens of different subscription services)

the mind boggles ...
I have an HP laser printer in which I use exclusively 3rd party toner cartridges. Guess mine is older so they hadn’t started prohibiting 3rd party. When I eventually upgrade I’ll probably look for a different brand. I think HP is shooting themselves in the foot.
Reminds me of our Keurig coffee maker. It has a sensor that only allows “Keurig approved” pods. (Of course people quickly figured out “hacks” to get around that.
Well, I got a little more education on HP Laptop/Notebook computers! If it was built around the end of 20/20, as previously stated, HP dropped Legacy support in the Bios. What additional info I just found out was, that they also changed the connection of the hard drives to the motherboard! Even though the hard drives look "almost" identical, their not. The later drives have one slot on the connecting end whereas the previous HDs have two. The thing is, they both fit in the same slot! The computer will not recognize the earlier drive. I didn't think I was that stupid after working on these things for so many years, but realizing that I must be going blind solves the problem! :cool: :devilgrin:

One on the left fits models before 20/20 and is what I installed, one on the right is what I had to change to for the later additional HP laptop.
View attachment 95890
That later one on right is similar to the 2TB stick I used to make my external SSD drive, except mine is the 990 Pro. That sucker is fast!
Isn’t technology fun!🤩