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Carburetor Removal on a BT7


Freshman Member
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I am trying to remove the carbs (SU HD6's) on my BT7 to replace the gaskets to the manifold. The front carb came out fine, but there is not enough clearance for the rear carb. The float chamber hits the frame before the carb comes clear of the studs. What is the trick to getting it out?

Slide the carb up on the studs and then remove the studs.
I didn't think about that. Do the studs have flat sides to put a wrench around it, or do I just clamp on some vise-grips?
I thought about trying to remove the float chamber, but I don't think there is room to get the screws out.
Unless something has been changed (longer studs?), carbs should clear the body work. Manual describes removing them as a pair, after removing the air cleaners, fuel line, choke cable, throttle link.
Are your motor mounts sagging? If you only need a little bit of clearance, try jacking up on the motor stretching the motor mounts, it may give you the clearance you need to slip it off.
It turns out that there is just enough space to get it out. I ended up rolling the engine to the right on the mounting blocks.
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