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Brake booster


Jedi Trainee
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Need some insight in this. My brake master started leaking on the 77 M. I decided that seeing that the booster is an unknown to me I would replace it as well with a rebuilt. All my research indicated that it is a stock TR6. I received one today from a trusted vendor and find that it is smaller in diameter by about an inch. Some other minor differences as well. but it does look like the rebuilt would work. So, looking for some info on whether TVR used something other than a TR6 booster, or if maybe the one on it is not original, or.....?

I wouldn't be surprised if they switched over to using the TR7 booster once production of the TR6 ended. The later 280i stole more than just its shape from the TR7. There were a lot of the parts on my 280i that were the same as my TR7s and 8s.
Interesting and very plausible explanation as this car was at the very end of the 2500M run. Thanks for the response.
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