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And for you photography fans ...


Great Pumpkin
per ardua ad astra


per ardua ad astra


It is a great photo, but with current Apps available today (my favorite is PhotoPills), if you know the general trajectory of a rocket (which are usually pretty consistent when launched from the same pad), then you could fairly easily figure out where you need to be standing at a given time (estimated to be when you expect the launch) in order to capture the perspective of the rocket passing in front of the moon. Mind you there would be a good deal of luck involved too since a delay in launch time could throw off the whole plan.

PhotoPills is what I used to determine exactly where I needed to be standing in order to shoot the Super Moon last year (August) as it rose behind the Antenna atop Sandia Crest. As it turned out I need to be standing along I-25, a few miles north of Albuquerque in order to get the exact shot I wanted. I went out a few days beforehand with the App to verify (using augmented reality) exactly where the moon would rise on the date of the Super Moon.

Super Moon Sandia Crest-cytog.jpg