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A blood curdling scream broke the tranquility


Staff member
I was sitting in my easy chair, watching an episode of M.A.S.H. Wife was about to leave for town to go babysit granddaughter.

Suddenly comes a blood curdling scream from the kitchen! I jump up out of my chair, nearly living my skin behind, to see what the fuss was all about!

Seems a visitor found his way into the house from outside and had taken refuge under the kitchen table.

It was a juvenile Gopher snake - thank goodness not a rattler, which we also have around these parts. He was small enough to catch in a shoebox and was then deposited outside again where hopefully he can lead a long healthy life ridding the property of rodents.

Yikes! How the heck did the little guy get into the house?

Might want to think twice before sticking your hand into a dark kitchen cabinet.


Yikes! How the heck did the little guy get into the house?
If I was going to hazard a guess, I'd say he was probably right outside the back kitchen door leading to the deck. I was going in and out this morning whilst taking pictures of Humming Birds. He probably snuck past during one of those trips in or out.
I was sitting in my easy chair, watching an episode of M.A.S.H. Wife was about to leave for town to go babysit granddaughter.

Suddenly comes a blood curdling scream from the kitchen! I jump up out of my chair, nearly living my skin behind, to see what the fuss was all about!

Seems a visitor found his way into the house from outside and had taken refuge under the kitchen table.

It was a juvenile Gopher snake - thank goodness not a rattler, which we also have around these parts. He was small enough to catch in a shoebox and was then deposited outside again where hopefully he can lead a long healthy life ridding the property of rodents.

View attachment 91169
PETA will be contacting your Wife - scaring poor snakes like that is a crime.
Surprised that your dog didn’t react to it.
She did, so wife quickly put her in the bedroom whilst I manned the shoe box
When we first moved into our house I was working on my daughters car. I was on my back under her car when I noticed a small snake enter my open garage. You never saw me move so fast.
This happened last month in Louisiana. Almost the same but this visitor had legs.

I too was roused from my desk by a bloodcurdling scream Friday. Wife came in, dripping wet (she had been enjoying her daily float in the pool, nearly asleep) and on the verge of tears.

A juvenile rat snake (we think/hope) had decided not only to swim with her, but to use her FACE as a resting spot. He nearly swam into her mouth.

She spent the rest of the weekend scrubbing her face. It's nearly noon on Monday and she is still not interested in going back in the water. I can't say I blame her -- if it had happened to me, we'd have spent the weekend cleaning a lot more than just a snake out of that pool.