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Spitfire 1500 gearbox question


Jedi Warrior
I have a 1500 mg midget (same gearbox as the 1500 spitfire) and have the transmission apart and have a question if you could help me with.

There appears to be be a lot of slop in the 3rd 4th synchromesh which exposes the detent ball, see picture in link below.

I removed the input shaft and measured about 3/16 of spline exposed from the synchromesh, when you rebuilt yours in the video, did you notices that mush exposed spline? See picture of it in the link below.
I am not familiar with the 1500 tranny...but it is not normal to have the balls exposed like that. Normally there is a C-clip on the end of the mainshaft, to prevent the gear stack from sliding around...and there is never that much room between the shifter hub and the clip. It looks like a spacer is missing in the stack.

I don't know if it is a factor, but often the synchro hubs have offsets. They can be installed backwards and it affects the spacing significantly.
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