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TR5/TR250 Surrey Top Problem


Luke Skywalker
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I've had this top on my TR250 since 2006. Had minimal problems where the front of the top would pull out of the windshield cap. Recently it has been happening more often. The other day I tapped down the edge of the cap and lengthened the bows. Had to take it for a good ride as I just it back from a shop where I had the rear hubs rebuilt and re-degreed the cam. Anyway traveling between 65 and 70 mph it was holding for 10+ miles until a truck went buy and the entire top was blown off. The only thing holding it on was the 2 bolts in the frame. It also popped out the top of the rear window.

I've heard of others having this problem and wanting to know what the fix is. I am planning on taking the car to 6-pack in 2 weeks and that's about a 5 hour drive and mostly highway. Someone at the TRF Summer Party years ago said he sprayed glass cleaner in that channel to lubricate the top which enabled him to push the front edge of the top in easier under that front lip. That worked for years but now it's not. Any ideas?
I've had this top on my TR250 since 2006. Had minimal problems where the front of the top would pull out of the windshield cap. Recently it has been happening more often. The other day I tapped down the edge of the cap and lengthened the bows. Had to take it for a good ride as I just it back from a shop where I had the rear hubs rebuilt and re-degreed the cam. Anyway traveling between 65 and 70 mph it was holding for 10+ miles until a truck went buy and the entire top was blown off. The only thing holding it on was the 2 bolts in the frame. It also popped out the top of the rear window.

I've heard of others having this problem and wanting to know what the fix is. I am planning on taking the car to 6-pack in 2 weeks and that's about a 5 hour drive and mostly highway. Someone at the TRF Summer Party years ago said he sprayed glass cleaner in that channel to lubricate the top which enabled him to push the front edge of the top in easier under that front lip. That worked for years but now it's not. Any ideas?
I sold off my surrey a few years ago, but just a couple of thoughts:

The front lip has to be completely seated- if you don’t think it is then I’d say that’s the issue.

The rear stretcher bar doesn’t have any adjustment so I don’t think you can do much there - but you might try adjusting the back nuts on the main top assembly to see if you can spread it slightly and get more tension on the top. If the front flap is seated and the metal inside that flap is still there I don’t think there is much else to adjust.
How much tension should there be on the bar that goes between the windshield and backlight frame? I brought those nuts out a bit. Now wondering if there is too much tension on the vinyl top and is working against me and helping pull the front off. I never liked the height of the top and thought it was too high.
How much tension should there be on the bar that goes between the windshield and backlight frame? I brought those nuts out a bit. Now wondering if there is too much tension on the vinyl top and is working against me and helping pull the front off. I never liked the height of the top and thought it was too high.
Honestly I don’t know - I was thinking your top was loose and that could be the problem. But it may be worth trying the opposite and lowering the frame. I can’t think of any other adjustment, and normally if those metal strips seat deep in the front that should be enough to keep it in place
Other thought to add - the front channel should be a tight fit where you have to push the top strip in place. If it’s loose you might try and gently close the gap with a wood block or something
Ya I actually did that. Used a block of wood and a dead blow hammer. I even inserted the top and tapped it down with it in and checked the fit to make sure I could pull it out.
Yes mine was always a problem too. In the end, the cap must be tight and the top set into it with a wooden
tool and a knockoff hammer. This is assuming the vinyl is properly fitted and the bows are not loose.
If it is still prone to lifting off, the center metal strap can be removed and bent to a curve more like the
windscreen frame. The ultimate fix would be a one piece strip that was curved just so ....
Mad dog
I should get the top back today from the upholstery shop doing repairs on it. I'll work on it over the weekend. Worse case scenario I'll hammer the lip down over tops edge very tightly then put some Gorilla tape on it to flow the air over the lip. Then use some Flex Seal on the back glazing and then I can submit my car for a commercial. LOL.
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