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Trial Separation !!


Jedi Trainee
OK I'm feeling withrawal symptoms, having been parted - hopefully temporarily - from my BJ8.

We're moving house, and the poor old girl has been abandoned in a farmers barn for a few weeks to give me room to pack up my workshop. Sad old thing was taken down to East Sussex in an absolute torrential downpour, this for a car that has been mollycoddled, only going out in fine weather, and having the luxuary of a heated garage !

I remember being caught in the downpour at 5PM at the Thruxton do, on the 50th anniversary, had to stuff rags into all the leaks to stem the flow, how did you fare?

Was fine in heavy rain up to 60 mph but at 70 rain was getting through the top of the windscreen/soft top joint as a persistant drip.

Hi Andrew, where are you moving too? are you going to have adetach at the new location?-- /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif--Keoke
Just think of the 'barn find' that will greet you when you finally bring the 'old girl' back home!
I carry a roll of 2" selotape, as soon as I need to put the hood up I run a strip of the tape along the screen/hood joint. Works fine, no leaks at any speed.
Keoke said:
Hi Andrew, where are you moving too? are you going to have adetach at the new location?-- /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif--Keoke

Sedlescombe, which is a village very close to Battle, East Sussex, where the famous 1066 fracas took place.

There is a perfectly good garage there, but the owner has sub-divided it into kennels as he trains greyhounds. Also there is a large outbuilding that will be my workshop and it is again subdivided into loads of kennels, all well built from cinder blocks, so a bit of demolition is called for!

Well Andrew, that sounds like you will be OK when you get it sorted out. However, if it were me I don.t think I would move in until after Halloween!---Keoke-- /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/jester.gif
Reunited at last !!!!!!

OK the house moving bit is done. The housewarming party over (we had a Hog Roast), and the kennel walls demolished in the garage, allowing me to bring the BJ8 home. Of course it poured down again, just like the journey putting her in storage in the first place.

Great fun knocking the kennels over with my JCB 3CX backhoe.

Still got all my engineering workshop in storage - it took six flat bed lorries to shift it all, estimated at pushing 30 tons, much more than I had thought.

/bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/lol.gif /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/lol.gif

/bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banana.gif Now that's a good reason to induldge us Yankees and celebrate our Thanksgiving.!!! /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banana.gif
30 Tons of kit, that must represent some workshop.

And you were not really surprised about the rain were you? /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
Well Andrew, if you got that much stuff it seems like you need to build another shed!--- /bcforum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif--Keoke

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