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TR6 TR-6 Carburetor rebuild kit

It's hard to do a really valid comparison. Even if you bought a kit at the same time from all 3 of them; they might change sources by the time you get your kit installed, let alone find out how long the diaphragm lasts and so on. Also, the owner of BCF frowns on general comments comparing vendors. So I'll just say that I got mine from TRF and was happy with them. (Same kit fits Stags)
I don't think there should be a problem with comparing what comes in each of the kits and what seems to be an important omission.
Don touches on a good point..The throttle bypass diaphragm is not included in any "kit" that I'm aware of..That would be the equivalent to Moss 365-755. TRF has been selling Joe Curto's TBV diaphragm kit which I really like because of it's completness.
In "complete' rebuild kits you also may be misssing the damper well O-ring seal Moss 365-420.
There are just a few manufacturers of the kits, it would be a toss up of what their suppliers sent them. I still have a bunch of kits that were made in the 70's, not alcohol resistant, and have not used them, called buyer beware. I will not sell them, just gave a couple away for the hard gaskets.
I don't know who includes what in their kit, but have seen a significant difference in what is provided in the kits. Best to figure out what you need then shop the vendors and look at the catalog or website to see what is included or ask them, sometimes it has been cheaper for me to buy a fairly cheap minimal gasket and o ring type kit and then buy the specific item I need like throttle shafts or something separately. Also might be worthwhile checking the Burlen Fuel Systems site, they have a good interactive catalog and offer major and minor rebuild kits for most carbs, they are the successor and OEM supplier for SU and Stromberg carbs.
You might want to contact Joe Curto. He rebuilds SU and ZS carbs and can supply you will all the necessary parts for rebuilding yourself.

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