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Thanks Buckeye Triumphs Tech Help


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Thanks to their wonderful tech help on the website I have gotten my tranny rebuilt (also some advice from John at Quantum Mechanics) and now almost through making the braket to hold the J-type O/D on the earlier frame, I took the J type bracket fabrication up as an afternoon project, and it turned oout to be just that, no ugly surprises, simple, elegant solution, I am going to drill the last to holes for the actual tranny mount after I have fit the thing in the car, rather than guestimate it now. If you have not explored their site and you work on triumphs or British cars for that matter it is worth a visit and a bookmark.


The Buckeye site is one of the best sites for technical help out there. And to think that they actually had that section down for a few years due to "lawyers". Another excellent resource is VTR's maintenance section which for a while they made only available to paying members. Luckily they too saw the error of their ways and opened it up to everyone.
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