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sticks in neutral?....3rd gear slip.......


Jedi Knight
occassionaly my car gets stuck in neutral for a few seconds...the shifter will go left and right but wont go in any gear....of course it works after a few seconds or so, but i dont wanna get stuck in traffic etc...i hate pushing! ; ) ........also im slipping out of third every once in a while....not a huge problem, just a concern..
does my tranny need some break in since i rebuilt most of it?...ive only done 25 miles...gets more fun every mile /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif..sooo much left to do though,.........z
When you slip from 3rd, are you going around a bend or making a turn at the time?
I ask because I share the same symptoms exactly. I found with the neutral problem, I just jiggle the lever frantically from side to side then look for first and it usually finds it again.
Not the best solution for my erratic tranny, but it does seem to work. 3rd isn't a problem for me either, unless I'm hammering the gas pedal at the same time /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif maybe once or twice a day through 20 miles or so.
The PO told me about this 3rd slipping and said it had been happening for years and miles....
no, has nothin to do with turning....that would be worn teeth letting it slip, most likely......
3rd is the most finicky gear i noticed while i had my gearbox open....the rest of the gears are solid when engaged...probably wouldnt jump out with my hand on the shifter, which it usually is...
Popping out of gear will wear the shift fork out on the side that forces the sliding gear. When it deceides it has had enough, it may stick in forth till its replaced.
My BugEye on the cross country trip started popping out of 4th in Sacramento. I rested my hand on the shifter to keep it in gear. During a down shift to exit the highway to get gas in London, Ontario, it stayed in third till I reached my destination in Caswell, Maine. Barracks rebuild of the tranny was next.
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