Jedi Knight
occassionaly my car gets stuck in neutral for a few seconds...the shifter will go left and right but wont go in any gear....of course it works after a few seconds or so, but i dont wanna get stuck in traffic etc...i hate pushing! ; ) ........also im slipping out of third every once in a while....not a huge problem, just a concern..
does my tranny need some break in since i rebuilt most of it?...ive only done 25 miles...gets more fun every mile /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif..sooo much left to do though,.........z
does my tranny need some break in since i rebuilt most of it?...ive only done 25 miles...gets more fun every mile /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif..sooo much left to do though,.........z