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Samba link paint removal spray

Not bad.

It seems to depend on the quality of paint you're removing, but it looks like a great way to deal with a previous, cheap re-spray.

Wonder what you use to treat the fender with after it has been stripped and will primer still stick to the fender after it's been used.
Good thinkin' Rick.

I'd use it on file cabinets, tho. :wink:
Wonder what you use to treat the fender with after it has been stripped and will primer still stick to the fender after it's been used.

I am going to wrap the car with 3m material printed after i get all the paint off . I am going to make sure i get the rust off and a simple primer will be used .<<< I hope i can find something to stick !!!! I can wrap the car and not have to worry about the expense of paint and body time and labor . Wrap print is about $250 gonna use for promotion of business . I can worry about paint restore in a couple of years if ever . The wrap will save the body as is until then .

I am waiting for a case to get to the local Ace hardware then i will get some pics after its down to the metal . I am thinking of Brit rock star type deal the who /stones ect ? Not gonna do the Austin powers deal .

The video looks impressive.... although with my paint job the pressure washer might be enough... :smirk:

I think I am going to give this a try... Just to make sure.. It is Dawn Power Desolver?!?!? and where can you buy it???

I am stripping my engine compartment and will give this a try on the weekend... I'll let you know how it faires...
its pretty hard to find ,

I got mine at an Ace hardware too,

but never found it at Walmart or a grocery store,,,,,
Found it at Wal-Mart here in Augusta. I put it on one half of an old greasy, dirty MGB timing cover and put a plastic baggy around it. That was about 4 hours ago. I think I'll go out and see how it is cooking. If it is worthwhile, I'll post the results.
OK - I'm impressed.
Took the timing cover out of the bag, wiped off the dissolved grease with a paper towel. Gave it test portion a quick hit with the scraper, then rinsed it off with a garden hose. Here's the results in the attached photo:
A longer cook-out period would have given better results I think. Also something stronger than a garden hose would have been better also. Despite these quibbles, this stuff will save a lot of labor and wear/tear on the air compressor/bead blaster when you are refreshing your engine.
My wife found some at the local grcery store and I used it to degrease the master cylinder bracket when I R&Red the MC this weekend...sprayed it down, let it soak for about 20 minutes and 34 years of crud rinsed right off. A little Metal Prep and POR15 will make it like new...great stuff!

I am thinking that this might work well in my engine compartment... (for pictures - refer to the Progress Report that I have posted today).

Although it may melt anything that I haven't removed!! :smirk:

Ya' know, if this works as well as it seems, it is a boon as a labor saving device for we car nuts!!
I have an old pair of fiberglass fenders that have cracking paint on them. I wonder how it treats gel coat.

I'll test a piece of fiberglass scrap after heading to Ace tomorrow for a bottle.

My mom swears by the stuff. She had an old skillet with burnt on crud - sprayed it, let it sit 5-10 minutes, washed it off in the sink, and it came clean.

Heck, let me ask the wife if we have any in the kitchen-wouldn't that be a treat!


My sweet, sweet wife had a bottle under the sink. I sprayed a piece of fiberglass, both sides, that has a few aluminum riv-nuts and a couple black-oxide coated stainless screws in them, 1/4"-20 x 3/4", if you are wondering.

Soaked it all down in a zip lock, and will see what prevails in the AM.
I was wondering about this, Tim. Suspect it'll eat into th' gel AND the resin tho.
The results are in after a 12-hour test.

The zip-loc bag suffered the most "damage". I set the bag in the sink over night, which I am glad I did. The outside was all slimy, as if the Power Dissolver had permeated through.

I washed the piece off with cool water in a utility tub, and the gel coat was fine, the resin was fine, and the aluminum riv-nuts were fine. The black oxide coating on the SS screw was transparent.

So. the next test will be a small portion of the fiberglass fender I have, to see if the paint comes off. I bet covering it with clear plastic and setting in the sun would kill it. I think black trash bag in the shade would allow it to stay wet longer and penetrate better. Thoughts?
Yup. No direct sunlight. And I'd expect it to eat biodegradable plastics... I'm still concerned about what it'll do to 'glas resin, tho.
Fascinating. I'm stripping the Spitfire floors to apply POR and just bought a gallon of Bix stripper. I'll postpone that a couple of days while I look for the Dawn product. It sounds too good not to try.
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