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Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR show



Whilst trying to plan a trip to the VTR show outside of Dallas, I spoke to someone that said the VTR shows tend to look down on "modified" cars. My car would certainly qualify as a modified! I really want and am planning to go but don't want to feel like a Chevette at a Corvette convention. (although I am sure performance-wise the tables would be turned in my case) I do know that our annual British Car Show in New Orleans, the Jaguar people tend to stay to themselves and not mingle with us underlings. Hey, I have nothing against a fully restored, pristine concours TR but my car will stick out like a sore thumb because it is so highly modified (I like to think "improved"). No, I am not trying to talk myself out of attending. I plan on going. Just want to know what to expect. The info came from a friend that brought his restored TR4 to Armaugh and felt shunned by the VTR judges. Think he had his feelings hurt because the judges scored him so lowly and wouldn't tell him why. Guess he may have been wearing his feelings on his sleeve. I just want to go for the camaraderie and see some great cars.
I yam what I yam.

Bill, the concours judging is just that, concours. There may be a "modified class" but they'll still be sticklers for detailing etc.
The participants choice category is the least stressful, ;-)
I went to the event when it was in Portland, Wa. and enjoyed it, I'm sure you will too.
While there look for a blue TR-250 (Ca. lic NYTMAER) with a union jack painted under the bonnet and say "HI" to Herman van den Akker who has a pristine Toyota 5-speed conversion.
Have fun!
Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

Will do, Bob.

Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

Bill I was at Rockford last year and there were some highly modified cars there.

Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

I don't know how long it's been, but there has been a Modified Class in VTR Concours for many years now. It's judged primarily on workmanship; if it's well done, it'll be judged well. So no 2x4s between the Chevy Blazer chassis and the 2000 Roadster body, ok? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazyeyes.gif

Back in 1997, VTR actually went one step further and created a Concours judging class for "race cars" as there were several such vehicles present, in addition to the "stock" and "modified" cars.

In all honesty, what one tends to hear about folks at VTR Conventions "snubbing" this or "looking down on" that is pretty much nonsense. At worst, it's an isolated individual or two who might express such an opinion. It's certainly NOT the official position of VTR, and it's NOT the position of probably 99.44% of all the attendees I've ever met off and on at VTR Conventions since 1983. As a whole, attendees will OOH and AHH equally over a low-mileage original Spitfire 4, a scruffy but willing/able TR...and almost anything else. Yes, by and large, these folks also love the Heralds, Renowns, Southern Crosses, etc., as much as the TR6s.
Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

probably 99.44% of all the attendees

[/ QUOTE ]

Wasn't Ivory Soap 99.44% pure? It Floats! You're showing your age, like me. (That float trick was an accident, they mistakenly mixed it too much and got some air in it, thus "It Floats", whatever the heck that is supposed to mean.)

Thanks for the imput. I feel all better now.

Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

The info came from a friend that brought his restored TR4 to Armaugh and felt shunned by the VTR judges. Think he had his feelings hurt because the judges scored him so lowly and wouldn't tell him why. Guess he may have been wearing his feelings on his sleeve.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I really like my friend's car but he misunderstood the meaning of concours. Even I could tell that some of the things he did to "improve" the car took tons of points off. It was "over-restored" actually but it is (or was) not my place to criticize. Each to his own, but if you are going to go for close to a 400 pt car, be prepared to have your feelings hurt. The two never driven TR6's that are owned by Paretti Imports in New Orleans (Metairie) would be tough contenders.

Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

Uh, yeah, my age IS showing (almost 53)! But it was certainly easier to find the bar of Ivory in the tub as a kid. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

There was a time (not in VTR) when a "Concours" event was a gathering of the shinest of the shiny...not necessarily as original, though. For VTR's modified class, it still works that way. Otherwise at a VTR meet, it is a competition to determine the most original (or AS original, if you will) in the various stock classes.
No, I am not trying to talk myself out of attending. I plan on going. Just want to know what to expect..... I just want to go for the camaraderie and see some great cars.
I yam what I yam.


[/ QUOTE ]

OK, Popeye!

What can you expect? If the show is ANYthing like last year's, you can expect to have a fantastic time. As far as the acceptance factor, I imagine you'll find what you find at most any other show: folks of all stripes who appreciate TR's of all stripes. I entered my TR3 last year in the general participants' class, and when the judges came around, they asked me why I didn't enter it in concours; they said if I had, I probably would've won (with just a couple of minor changes), because the ones that did enter weren't as "original" as mine. That bit of flattery was worth more than actually entering and winning! The judges even showed me the areas that needed changing, and they were relatively easy to fix, if I'd been interested.

Anyway, go and have a good time. Wish I had the TR8 ready; I'd be there!

Bill, I've found that at the VTR and other LBC shows, you'll have more fun if you AVOID the folks who "look down" on anyone's car.

They're bigots, generally, and not nearly as much fun as the nice people who love ALL the Trimuphs at these great meets.

Trust me, your TR will be welcome.

Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

I've noticed that at the more recent Triumphest's and local British Car Day's that more and more TR's, Spits and GT-6's are becomming modified by the owners. There are many excellent examples of the marque out there, but more and more owners are making modifications to improve performance and safety.

My friend, who is a LBC mechanic by trade, put it this way...

"Sure you can EASILY spend $20k plus the price of the car to restore it to concours condition, but when you're done you still have a 30+ year old car that wasn't exactly cutting edge to begin with. Or you could spend nearly the same ammount of money and have performance on par with more modern sports cars. Plus you can get up to speed on the freeway faster than a Hyundai."
Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

Bill, personally I go just to see the modified cars. After this many years all the concouese cars look alike and and get "plain jane" if you will.
I hope so,... I've got a choice between Karen's Camry, or the Miata (Boo,Boo,Hiss, Hiss).
Won't be eligible for any of the events, but there'll be some kindred spirits, and the club can probably use a "strong back, and weak mind".
See ya Bob
Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

Won't be eligible for any of the events, but there'll be some kindred spirits,

[/ QUOTE ]

Miata and MG people talk about kindred spirit, Triumph people talk about drinking buddies. Since I don't drink anymore, I may have to find a kindred spirit instead.

Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

Not only are modified Triumphs welcome at VTR, but ALL TRIUMPHS, and ALL deratives of the Standard Motor Company. I'll say this again ...
A-l-l T-r-i-u-m-p-h-s!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hammer.gif

If the Triumph Stag Club USA can get more Stags to a National Convention than any other model except TR6 - and then only by 4 cars, then All the clubs are more than welcome to show their stuff. It is time to get rid of the idea of "other" Triumphs, we are all enthusiasts of the same frat.

See you at a Triumph Show somehwere!!
Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

Not only are modified Triumphs welcome at VTR, but ALL TRIUMPHS, and ALL deratives of the Standard Motor Company. I'll say this again ...
A-l-l T-r-i-u-m-p-h-s!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hammer.gif

[/ QUOTE ]Yep, not to mention those cars branded as Standards, and those cars using Triumph or Standard power, i.e., Morgans, Fairthorpes, Bonds, Peerless/Warwick GTs, Swallow Dorettis, etc., etc.!

Don't forget, to much of the world back when Triumphs were current, the saloons and family cars dominated and the sports models were the "other" Triumphs! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Dumb ques. - are modified cars welcome at VTR

I have the most fun at shows where enthusiasts show up to "show and share" there cars without the hassle of any judging.

A good example is the Minnesota Street Rod Association's "Back To The Fifties"...11,000 cars (yes, eleven thousand this year), stock, modified, outrageous, American, British, Italian...any car 1964 and earlier...and not one trophy in sight.

No crying or complaining...just thousands of people having fun and enjoying everyone's cars...
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