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TR4/4A Carburetor Heat Shield for HS6 SUs


Darth Vader
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I just put it back on. I had to put it next to the manifold with the insulating blocks forward of it--in other words the insulating blocks are toward the fender, away from the engine, and forward of the heat shield. It has much better fit and clearance that way. However, no matter which way it goes, those two little throttle springs that clip onto the bracket beneath the carbs rub against the bracket. No adjustment seems to fix that. I had the same issue the last time I played with it. Any ideas? Is there some trick to installing the springs with this setup?
My shield was on the car when I bought it so I have no idea of what it looked like "stock".
The shield now has two rectangular cutouts where the spring levers would interfere.
If you have the ARE heat shield, it's solid stainless steel. Just use a Dremel or similar to trim it so it doesn't interfere.

On my TR3, I had to open up the hole where the vacuum advance line passes through, so the nut would fit through the hole.
Got it. Thanks Randall. For now I just draped the spring down the front of the bracket, rather than behind it, and it doesn't rub or seem to bind. I'll try that for awhile. Are you actually rebuilding two Stags now?
Are you actually rebuilding two Stags now?
No, it's more like they are sitting there waiting for me to do something with them. I haven't touched either one since 2008, when I decided I had a better chance of getting the TR3 on the road. The plan was to get it to be a reliable driver and then go back to trying to reach that point with Stag #2; but hasn't happened yet.

Can't really blame the car for this, though

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