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Cant remember where they go !!


Hi Guys , Its been a long slog but my 66 mk2 midget is getting back together . I bought it partly dismantled .
3 questions -
1) Brake pipe front to rear - does it go through the transmission tunnel ?
2) Fuel pipe - as above ?
3) The heater parts were boxed when I got the car . I cant get the motor unit to line up with the matrix box . The matrix box has a 4 or 5 inch pipe at the top with a flap although my parts book looks like it shouldnt be like that and a flex pipe should be there to link into the motor unit .
The motor unit itself just doesnt seem to want to sit well , if I line up the lower mount with the 2 bolt holes that appear to me to be the correct ones , the upper bracket sticks out over the heater / battery tray .
I have tried without success to get clear pics on the net and all my books are as clear as mud .
Any help would be wonderful - I nearley threw the motor out the garage door this afternoon .
Deep breathly, Scott. Some of these guys with that same arrangement will aid you with yourr dilemma soon, for sure. Have you a way to post a photo or two of what you've got? Could it be you have a different motor housing bracket than fits the heater box?
You have the wrong blower motor bracket. But you might have the wrong heater box too (the air control flap position changed). Can you post a picture of what you have and the model car?

Fuel and brake pipes run between the lip (on the seat reinforcement channel) and the floor pan.
Brake and fuel lines run along the channel or rail on the underside of the car. There are little clips that fit in to the channels and hold the line in place. The lines come out right beside the tunnel opening in the rear.

Those clips are called hairpins.
Thanks Guys . fuel & brake pipes fitted . I have removed the tube with the flap on the heater box and got the motor to fit now . Proof of the pudding as they say will be when I wire it all up to a battery .

One other thing just now - the small post and adjacent captive nut thingy between the base of the heater motor and where the coil is mounted -- is that for the starter solenoid ?

Cheers Scott

Cant get the photos to work just now.

Here is a picture that might help with a few things.



  • 15727.jpg
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