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Happy Birthday to -


Great Pumpkin
Dame Vera Lynn!

Born 100 years ago today. What a contribution to Allied morale she made in the 1940s - and to popular song for decades afterward.

And not many WW2 era singers have a steam locomotive named after them!

All best wishes, Dame Vera. And thanks.
Not entirely clear what the message is there. Pretty sure SWMBO would not be thrilled to have a car named after her much less a train. :grin:
One of the WWII vets that I still communicate with on a routine basis also took notice of this birthday. Her songs still meant a lot to him. He even got to see her in London around December '44 shortly before reporting for duty with the 305th Bomb Group in Chelveston as a B-17 radio operator. 93 years old, still very sharp and in good physical shape (knock wood). He's definitely interested in watching the tribute concert for her 100th birthday. If anyone has a link to that, I'd like to share it with him.
I've been googling for that March 18 concert at the Palladium, and can't find any videos anywhere. Lots of publicity, but no photos or videos of the concert. As Dame Vera wasn't able to attend, there must have been some recordings made.

Seems like the "100: Dame Vera Lynn" centenary CD will use her voice from prior recordings, but I'm not sure she'll actually participate.

Here's an image with some history: Vera Lynn's photo projected onto the White Cliffs of Dover.

View attachment 47810

(And while at home, she drove her Austin 10 during the war.)